Robocode programming attempts to achieve movement and targeting, while top robots may use wave surfing, statistical targeting, guess factor targeting and pattern matching. It can serve as a platform for exploring AI and machine learning techniques. A. I Wars The Insect Mind Site DownloadA. I. Wars is a game designed for people who receive satisfaction from building something. In this case, you design and build the Artificial Intelligence of a war machine called a Cybug. The A. I. of this virtual cybernetic insect is the center of the game. The challenge that every player of this game faces, is in their ability to design a winning logical strategy for their Cybug to follow, while prudently managing its resources and system limitations. Every Cybug comes with a complement of ammunition for many weapons along with fuel. A. I. Wars offers many battlefield simulations to choose from along with a way to create your own. Robo. War Site DownloadRobo. War is a freeware strategy game. The goal of the game is to make your robot kill all other robots and be the alone survivor. To do this you must program a robot in Robo. Wars own language which is easy to learn. The possibilities are endless with 2. That is aside from the actual programming which is NEVER the same. There are tournaments held to put your robots to the test. A smart design will be the last robot standing. The diversity of strategies is fantastic stun streamers, dashers, bruising hesitators, machine stunners, wall huggers, corner hoppers, and wanderers, to name a few. Requires the player to figure out a solution, which often involves solving enigmas, navigation, learning how to use different tools, and the manipulating or reconfiguring of objects etc. Most often there is a visual or sonic element to the puzzles as well, or at least some verbal description of them. Brain. Splode Site DownloadBrain. Splode is all about rockets and busting some alien brains They came to suck the life out of the planet, but they didnt expect to be Brain. Sploded As the game progresses, more stages are added to your rocket allowing for complex and exciting manouvers Then, choose your own configuration to burst the brains BLOCKSUM Site DownloadBLOCKSUM is a very new typed action puzzle game for everyone who can add numbers to 2. Joining the blocks will create a larger block numbered summation of blocks. There are no limits to the number of blocks you can join, but you can never split them again. Gather as many blocks as you can that are numbered the same, and they start to blink until the blinking blocks destructs completely for maximum points. The blocks continues to rise up while stacked and the game is over when no more blocks can be placed. Farsh Site DownloadPlayers must roll a farsh carpet along floating and switching platforms to the red box along each level. The carpet can unroll if you push it the wrong way. Here, unrolling is just a part of the secret to navigating your way to the exit. Players must plan even more carefully when the game introduces one time use green platforms. Other great games in this category Corrypt An atmospheric exploratory puzzler where players advance by moving boxes, in order to collect mushrooms, help out the local residents, and advance through a colorful dungeon. Site DownloadQuadrax Series With over 1. Site DownloadBrain Workshop Brain Workshop is a free open source version of the dual n back brain training exercise. What if a simple mental exercise could improve your working memory and fluid intelligence Site DownloadThe Sense of Connectedness Player controls electrical impulses that springs forth from the ego, and by flipping neurons you guide them around the brain, illuminating different areas bit by bit, to push the story forward. Site DownloadPuzzles increpare Win the game by reaching the goal without tripping any lasers. Site DownloadRelated Categories Puzzle platformers doesnt require the quick reflexes or exploration, but challenges the player to manipulate the environment around the character to beat the level. The game is structured into various levels, of increasing difficulty, and by solving each level the player is able to move onto the next level or stage.