Lazylibrarian Windows Install

Lazylibrarian Windows Install

PureVPN-Install-Step-1.png' alt='Lazylibrarian Windows Install' title='Lazylibrarian Windows Install' />Configure Couch. Potato with Torrents Couch. Potato is your automatic feature length video downloader from usenet or torrents. You add content you want to see to a watchlist and Couch. Potato will automatically search for them and download them through your usenet downloader or torrent client. It will even rename and sort the videos for you so your archive is nicely organized for importing into Plex or XBMC. This guide assumes you have already installed Couch. Potato on your operating system Windows, Mac OSX, Ubuntu, Raspberry Pi. The torrent clients I show you how to set up with Couch. Potato are u. Torrent and Transmission, rtorrent, Deluge and many others are supported and the same logic applies. Install and Configuration Guides for HTPC, Raspberry Pi, Home Media Server, Plex, Kodi, VPN, Linux server, Usenet, Torrents, and Media Center Setup. In deze handleiding gaan we Subliminal installeren op een Ubuntu computer. Couch Potato keeps track of all the films you want to watch, and downloads them, too. Installation is easy on both Windows and OS X Download Couch Potato. Full screenshot guide to Configure CouchPotato Torrent Movies to automatically download films on Windows, Mac, Linux with any torrent client like utorrent. In deze handleiding bespreken we hoe we het programma NZBGet installeren op een computer met het besturingssysteem Windows. Deluge is a fullfeatured BitTorrent client for Linux, OS X, Unix and Windows. It uses libtorrent in its backend and features multiple userinterfaces including GTK. For a better experience I recommend using a combination of usenet and torrents with Couch. Potato. The benefits of usenet are outlined here Comparing Usenet and Torrents Which is BetterIf you are stuck on torrents then please use a VPN like Private Internet Access or Pure. Samsung Scx 4200 Firmware Patch on this page. VPN. Go to http ip. Couch. Potato web interface. Couch. Potato Settings. If it is the first time you have logged in just scroll to the bottom and click the big green button. In the top right corner, click Settings under the Settings cog. Click General. Set a username and password to access the web interface. Enable Searcher. Click Searcher on the left and choose torrents as First Search. Add Kick. Ass. Torrents and Torrentz as free providers, you can enable private trackers as well. If you only want to leech then set your Seed Ratio and Seed Time to 0. On private trackers you usually need a seed ratio of 1 or seed time of 4. Click Categories, here you can adjust the filters that Couch. Potato uses, you can have several keywords separated by commas. You can tell Couch. Potato to prefer releases with certain words if there is a group that you like or groups that embed subtitles e. DKSubs or SWEsubs. Put those in the Preferred box and Couch. Potato will try and get these releases first. If there are releases with keywords that you require add them to the Required box, no other releases will be downloaded unless they contain these keywords. In the Ignored box you can put keywords for Couch. Potato to ignore, if there are groups that release stuff that you absolutely hate, add their names here. Adjust Couch. Potato Qualities. Click Qualities under Searcher. Here you can adjust the quality settings, by default Best tries to get the highest resolution possible and then starts settling for lower quality. It searches the qualities from top to bottom. You can rearrange the quality priority by hovering over the 3 lines next to the quality setting. You click and hold and drag up or down. If Finish is checked next to the quality then it will stop searching for the other qualities on the list. You can also delete quality settings by clicking the red x. I have removed 1. I only wanted to find SD quality releases that are not huge. If you scroll down you can change the order the quality settings will be shown in the dropdown box. For convenience you should drag your default quality preference to the top. This is why I modified the Best quality because it sits at the top by default but I could have just as easily moved the SD profile to the top in this section. Uncheck any qualities you are not interested in. Disable Blackhole as a Downloader. On the right click Downloaders. Disable Black. Hole by unchecking it unless you use a torrent client which monitors a watch folder for new. Enable Transmission Torrent as a Downloader. You need the Web. UI enabled so Couch. Potato can communicate with it. My linux guides for Transmission cover this, for Transmission on Windows go to Edit Preferences. Click the Remote tab and check Allow remote access. Enter a username and password, Only allow these IP addresses is a security measure, if you want remote access to Transmission from any computer disable it by unchecking the box. You can click Open web client to view the Transmission web interface. On the right click Downloaders. Enable Transmission by checking it. Add your username and password for transmission. In Directory, choose a directory for the downloads to go to, you do not want this to be the final directory the videos will end up in. Instead you want it to be a temporary folder that Couch. Potato monitors for new videos which it then renames and organizes nicely for you. In Host put your host and port for transmission, the default is http localhost 9. Couch. Potato. Click Test and you should see Connection successful. Enable u. Torrent Downloader. Note The label system in u. Torrent is quite buggy so I recommend using Transmission for Windows instead. Torrent uses labels to sort downloads much like Sabnzbd and NZBGet use categories. You need to open up u. Torrent to do some configuration first before enabling it in Couch. Potato. Open u. Torrent and go to Options Preferences. Click Advanced and then Web. UICheck Enable Web. UI and enter a username and password. Check Alternative listening port and pick a random port that is not being used, I use 7. Click Label on the left pane and check Use Label and Directory Rules. In the Label box enter movies and in the Contains box enter movies and click the sign. Now you can choose movies from the drop down menu in the bottom left corner. Click the button and browse to your temporary download location that Couch. Potato will monitor for new releases, it should not be your final movie destination directory, that will be taken care of in the Renamer. Click the sign to add it to the list. Now you should see your movies label in the list. Click Apply and OK. Back in Couch. Potato click Downloaders and check u. Torrent. Input your Host as localhost 7. Torrent. Enter the username and password for the Web. UI you just configured. Enter the Label movies and click Test. Enable Couch. Potato Renamer. To help understand Couch. Potatos renaming here is a diagram. No matter which program you use to download, Couch. Potato will monitor that folder as the From folder and move files to your final destination the To folder. It will make sense in a minute. Click Renamer. Couch. Potato will monitor your From folder for new video downloads and post process them. When they are post processed the video file will have its own folder in the To folder. The From and To folder must be different for the Renamer to work. This is the key component of getting Couch. Potato to work properly with usenet downloaders and torrent downloaders simultaneously, you will be feeding the downloads into the same folder Couch. Potato will be watching. You should also check Unrar in case the release you download is packaged in rar files. By default torrented Couch. Potato downloads will be symbolically linked to your To folder. This is so you can still seed the torrent. If you are not interested in seeding click Show advanced settings and scroll down until you see Torrent File Action and change it to Move. If you are private trackers you probably need to seed so leave it as link if thats the case. Couch. Potato Notifications. Click Notifications. I have enabled Pushbullet notifications by copying my access key from the Pushbullet settings page. Click Test to make sure it works. Here you can also enable Plex and XBMC library updates. For XBMC you will need to have the web access enabled. Couch. Potato Automation. Couch. Potato can automatically import your imdb watchlist. This means you can just add videos you want to see using the IMDB app on your phone or in a browser and Couch. Potato will add these items to your wanted list. Click Automation. For personal IMDB watchlist importing to work you will have to make your IMDB watchlist public. The URL has this format http www. URLScroll down to the Automated section. You can have Couch. Potato automatically add all new popular videos from IMDB that meet your criteria. You can adjust the minimum rating, which year the content was released and so on. It is now best to restart Couch. NZBGet installeren Windows. In deze handleiding bespreken we hoe we het programma NZBGet installeren op een computer met het besturingssysteem Windows. En Vervolgens gaan we NZBGet als service installeren. Zodat NZBGet gelijk wordt gestart als de computer wordt gestart. Download NZBGet. Je kan hier onder de laatste versie downloaden van NZBGet. Download locatie 1 kies voor de 3. Windows versieDownload locatie 2 versie 1. NZBGet installeren. Start het exe bestand. Klik op Next. klik nu op I Agree. Je kan hier eventeul de installatie locatie aanpassen klik vervolgens op Install. Nu op Finish. Waarschijnlijk krijg je deze melding kies voor Toegang toestaan. NZBGet is nu genstalleerd. NZBGet als service installeren. We ga nu naar de map C Program Files x. NZBGet  tenzij je tijdens de NZBget installatie een andere locatie op hebt gegeven. Administrator uitvoeren. En dan vervolgens JA. Dan het volgende commando uitvoeren om de NZBGet service te installeren. Daarna het volgende commando om de service te starten. NZBGet. Je kan dit venster nu sluiten. Nu gaan we services. Zoek NZBGet op klik er met je rechter muis op en kies voor Eigenschappen. Zet hier opstarttype op Automatisch dan wordt NZBGet gestart als de computer wordt opgestart. Je bent nu klaar met de installatie van NZBGet.

Lazylibrarian Windows Install