Timothy Good Above Top Secret Pdf To Word

Timothy Good Above Top Secret Pdf To Word

How I Crushed The 30Day Cold Shower Challenge The Great Life Secret It Unveiled. I came across an interesting discussion on High Existence about. Mike Ditka Slams NFL Protests There Has Been No Oppression In The Last 100 Years. Heres the thing Good people do bad things sometimes. Its possible that good hackers, the ones we celebrate for stopping malware, also create malware, perhaps. Paul teaches Timothy about the power of an example and life of godliness and godly living contrasted with the ungodliness of the false teachers and their disciples. Article explains what Pentecost represents and teaches and answers the mysteries of life and the Bible, such as why God allows suffering and why so few are being saved. You have not yet voted on this site If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Timothy Sykes May 9, 2017 at 400 pm. Hey Everyone, As many of you already know I grew up in a middle class family and didnt have many luxuries. I only remember one practical writing lesson from my three years as an English major Whenever you can, put the best bits at the end of the sentence. Put the next. Timothy Good Above Top Secret Pdf To WordTimothy Good Above Top Secret Pdf To WordSecret of the Ankh. The Secret of the Ankh is a pathway into the Mystery Systems. The Secret of the Ankh leads to the what is called called the God Particle or what is alled the Higgs Particle but told in mythos by the Ancient People of the Nile. The Secret of the Ankh also is in line with the Infinity Puzzle of Frank Close this  where infinity Heh and its opposite nothingness hehet and Nwn Dark Radition and its opposite Nwnt anti matter or and the resultant matter is analyzed in creation. I believe that I have decoded the Symbol of the Ankh. My findings are that the Ankh can no longer be viewed as just meaning life, but the creation of Life itself. The Cosmological Origin was first discovered by myself and my friend Sekou Fortune. I later expanded the base findings into a Blog that can be shared and read. Essentially, I am saying that the Nile Valley Africans created a Mythos Formula that connected the 8 Primordial Components to the creation of waves n Ma and  KH and Waves where the N is the Glyp of ripples of waterwaves and the Kh is the Glyph called the placenta which I am saying is matter. This I contemplated beginning in 2. This is only the first part of what I have discovered. At some point, I will release a concept Bigger than the Secret, Bigger than the Laws of Attraction. What is hidden is in plain site once you begin to understand Part I of the Secret of the Ankh. Part II will lead you on a straight path to Initiation because the Ankh means Life, but it also means Eternal Life. Up until June of 2. I have always considered the Ankh an Egyptian  or Kemetic Symbol and had decoded it using the cosmology of the Egyptians. However, Anna Mari Pieterse from South Africa who has read my work  directed me to look at the work of Michael Tellinger. His discoveries in South Africa show that the mysteries in Kemet began deep in Africa. Before I summarize, I want  to open up the air by reading to you probably the most important inscription on any wall in the World. Though Hidden and overlooked this inscription deals with the oneness of the Creator  and summarizes more than 5,0. Egyptian Cosmology Hibis Temple the center of the southern el Khargeh Oasis Hymn to the Bas of Amun t should be memorized. Commissioned by Darius I after he sacked Kemet from the Nubians he layed bare Egyptian Cosmology to spread to Asia. The temple writing clearly shows that the Egyptians knew of one creator but acknowledge they had used several names and several stories but the one arose out of the primordial ocean. The Secret of the Ankh is in here. The above photograph is the oldest Petroglyphs of Azania, Southern Africa from Temples of the African Gods by Michael Tellinger, Johan Heine. From Nile Valley written literature You are Amun, you are Atum, you are Khepri, you are Re. Sole one who made himself into millions, Tatenen who came about in the beginning. You are the one who built his body with his own hands, in every form of his desire. You are the great winged scarab within Nut, who protected A heaven and earth in their entirety, while rising from Nun within the primeval mound. The Ogdoad rises for him in jubilation when he appears, they seeing by means of his his first manifestation as Horus who illumines, whose entire circuit is in the spit fi re and torch fi re of his eyes, having illumined the circuit of heaven with his great double plumes. My theory lives in here. To summarize the concept in Part I1The Ogdoad Primordial Eight are the elements that created the Divine Creator according to the Egyptians. This is taken from one of the oldest cosmologies of Hermopolis or Khmnu. Aspects of this story are used in the creation of Ptah, Ra, Amen, Aten in the other creations stories. These all deal with just the creation of the Creator not with what existed before creation. The symbol for the Ankh is the symbol with the Circle on top of the cross hairs followed by the Mdu Ntr sounds of N and KH. From the breakthroughs of translations we know the symbol was pronounced NKH or ANKH. The A is disputed and may have been added for convenience of pronunciation. Even if the Ankh is a triliteral at this point there is no definitive way to show how it was pronounced. If we return to the Ogdoad, the eight pairs are Amen Amenet, Nun, Nunuet, Kek, Kekhet, and Heh, Hehet. My theory is that the symbol took the names of the Ogdoad into consideration for its pronunciation. One must remember first that the Mdu Ntr is in fact the Sacred Words of the Ntrs. So there must be some root words are sounds that were used in the beginning and will continue to be used for words describing creation. The Value Frontier Ebook Readers there. The Ankh not only is a symbol of Life but the elements that create life. These elements are the Ogdoad and the Odgoad is essential for Life. The symbol Ankh is connected to the Ogdoad and I believe it gets its name from the Odoad. This is the secret of the Ankh. I understand that there is controversy of me creating the mnemonic ANKH to represent the Khemennu The Primordial Eight. However, in Nile Valley Cosmology it is in fact the Eight that created life. So the mnemonics do not take away from this concept even though their is no prove that the Nile Valley Africans thought this way but we can be sure the Ankh symbol is written with the water sign N and the KH whether this meant waves and particles is another thing. This is my Theory. Let us continue. I want to pause here so that I can correct three important points that may come up as a criticism. First, in order to help the reader find relevant source material, I use the work Ogdoad. However, the Nile Valley Mdu Ntr term with the most primary information is Khemenu and that a scholar looking for primary resources should always look for primary material first and secondary material second. The information on the Khemenu is should ultimately be referenced from what it means in the Original Language. Here is an example, Egypt is referred to the Land of the Ancient People in which we are talking about. However, the name of the land referred in text by the people is Kemet, Ta Seti, Ta Mery. We could call the people Egyptians but they call themselves the Rmt or Kmtw. Two I will say that the Ankh must be re translated to the Khemenu The Eight, 4 pairs. I may get criticism from those unfamiliar with primary text and say that Amun is never first because Nun was. One should always stand from a position of being well researched. At anytime, that I have to defend the order of the Khemenu, I can do so with primary sources. I will say at this time that AmunAmunet was the primordial Wave by themselves and they created NUN. AmunAmunet exist in at least two dimensions and their later reality becomes Eight as they now split tow AmunAmunet, NunNunet, Kek,Keket and then He. H. He. Het. Third, I will say the symbol the Ankh is actually the Eight, the Khemenu or the European name Ogdoad and will have again criticism. I have included a letter from Dr. Mario Beatty which I use as constructive criticism. However, Amun is always hidden and we do not know if the Symbol was actually pronounced as Ankh or Nkh So Since Amun is hidden let us make that sound invisible and pronounce the symbol NKH for these purposes. NKH is a formula that includes the Khemenu for several reasons. The reaction of the Eight creates the Light that Created Life. In addition, the Khemenu are seen holding the Symbol sometimes all Eight or sometimes just 4 or the Eight. In Addition as I will show that the Mdu Ntr of the Symbol contains the N Wave and the KH particleseive and these are quantum physic properties of the duality of Waves and Particles. Lastly, the Khemenu appears in Precreation, Creation, Life, and Afterlife scenes in Text and in Plates.

Timothy Good Above Top Secret Pdf To Word