Silverfast 6 6 Nikon Serial Number

Silverfast 6 6 Nikon Serial Number

Nikon Filmscanner Coolscan V ED Test Report. At the End of a hot summer 2003 the Nikon boat was rocked. Suddenly customers were able to purchase Nikon scanners. The SE configuration includes SilverFast 6. SE Plus MultiExposure The Ai configuration includes Silverfast 6. Ai Studio IT8 MultiExposure with IT8 Kodachrome and. Silverfast is a mighty professional scanning software which yields a drastic increase in image quality. Extensive, detailed information about the SilverFast scanning. Leica Camera AG is a German company that manufactures optics and high end cameras. The company was founded by Ernst Leitz in 1924. The name Leica is derived from the. Hamrick Software was founded in 1991 by Ed Hamrick. Leica Camera Wikipedia. Coordinates 5. 03. N0. 083. 21. 1E 5. N 8. 5. 36. 39E 5. Leica Camera AGAktiengesellschaft. Industry. Photography, Digital Imaging, Still cameras, SLR cameras, DSLR cameras, binoculars monoculars, binocular telescope, laser rangefinder. The SilverFast Archive Suite 8 package. Source LaserSoft Imaging. This integration can save time for photographers with a large number of originals to scan and. CracksNet The fastest way to find crack, keygen, serial number, patch for any software. Silverfast 6 6 Nikon Serial Number' title='Silverfast 6 6 Nikon Serial Number' />Founded. Germany 1. Headquarters. Wetzlar, Germany. Key people. Dr. Andreas Kaufmann Chairman, Board of Directors. Oliver Kaltner CEOProductscameras, photographic lenses, binoculars and other optical equipment. Revenue 3. 65 million1Number of employees. Websitewww. leica camera. The M9 is a modern digital rangefinder camera from Leica. First image taken from the Ur Leica by Oskar Barnack 1. Eisenmarkt, Wetzlar, Germany. Leica Camera AG is a German company that manufactures optics and high end cameras. The company was founded by Ernst Leitz in 1. The name Leica is derived from the first three letters of his surname Leitz and the first two of the word camera lei ca. Leica cameraseditThe earliest Leica prototypes were developed by the company Ernst Leitz during the first years of the 2. The Leicas were innovative, by orienting the image frame sideways for the 3. The cameras were compact with collapsible lenses, for hiking and biking. The rangefinder feature was added with the Leica II during 1. In 1. 93. 3 the Leica III offered slow speed shutter controls and a fast 11. III a,b,c,d,f, g series became the flagship models and best sellers into the late 1. Further iterations of the models I and II were offered, but did not sell well. Prior to WWII Leica and competing Contax cameras from Zeiss Ikon were considered to be the finest 3. WWII the companies had competition from Soviet and Japanese copies. During the 1. 95. Japanese quality and innovation, along with low pricing, devastated the European camera industry. Leica became an expensive type of camera bought largely by professional or serious photographers. However, the advent of reflex camera technology made rangefinders somewhat obsolete, leaving Leica the main product of a diminishing market segment. Leica has remained a notable trade name into the 2. Century. The original producer of the cameras, Ernst Leitz Gmb. H, is now three companies Leica Camera AG, Leica Geosystems AG, and Leica Microsystems Gmb. H, which manufacture cameras, geosurvey equipment, and microscopes, respectively. Leica Microsystems Gmb. H owns the Leica brand and licenses its use by the other two companies. HistoryeditBefore WWIIeditThe first 3. Leica prototypes were built by Oskar Barnack at Ernst Leitz Optische Werke, Wetzlar, in 1. Intended as a compact camera for landscape photography, particularly during mountain hikes, the Leica was the first practical 3. The Leica transports the film horizontally, extending the frame size to 2. The Leica had several model iterations, and in 1. Barnack convinced his boss, Ernst Leitz II, to make a pre production series of 3. Though the prototypes received a mixed reception, Ernst Leitz decided in 1. It was an immediate success when introduced at the 1. Leipzig Spring Fair as the Leica I for Leitz camera. The focal plane shutter has a range from 12. Z for Zeit time position. Barnack conceived the Leica as a small camera that produced a small negative. To make large photos by enlargement, the small negative, large picture concept requires that the camera have high quality lenses that could create well defined negatives. Barnack tried a Zeiss Tessar on his early prototype camera, but because the Tessar was designed for the 1. Leicas 2. 43. 6mm negative. Barnack resorted to a Leitz Mikro Summar 1 4. The first Leica lens was a 5. Cooke triplet of 1. Max Berek at Leitz. The lens has five elements in three groupsthe third group being three cemented elementsand was initially named the Leitz Anastigmat. Unlike other triplets, the Leitz Anastigmat has the diaphragm between the first and second elements. When the Leica was first vended, this lens was renamed the ELMAX, for E Leitz and MAX Berek. By 1. 92. 5, the Leitz laboratories had produced glasses with improved optical properties, and Professor Berek designed an improved version of the ELMAX named the ELMAR that had four elements in three groups. The third group was simplified to two cemented elements, which was easier and cheaper to make. Professor Berek had two dogs, Hektor and Rex. The first of these, Hektor, gave his name to a series of Leica lenses, and the name of the second appeared in the Summa. REX. 3In 1. 93. 0 the Leica I Schraubgewinde was first produced, with an exchangeable lens system based on a 3. Leica Thread Mount or LTM. In addition to the 5. During the mid 1. Thambar 9. 0 mm f2. It is now a rare collectors item. The Leica II was first produced in 1. This model has a separate viewfinder showing a reduced image and rangefinder. In 1. 93. 2 the flange to filmplane was standardised to 2. Leica model C, and the Leica Standard the next year. The Leica III added slow shutter speeds down to 1 second, and the model IIIa added the 11. The IIIa is the last model made before Barnacks death, and therefore the last model for which he was wholly responsible. Leitz continued to refine the original design through to 1. The final version, the IIIg, includes a large viewfinder with several framelines. These models all have a functional combination of circular dials and square windows. Early Leica cameras bear the initials D. R. P., which stands for Deutsches Reichspatent, the name for German patents before May 1. This is probably a reference to German patent No. Rollfilmkamera granted to Ernst Leitz, Optische Werke in Wetzlar, on 3 November 1. Ur Leica original Leica, from 1. Leica I, 1. 92. 7Leica I, from 1. Leitz Elmar 1 3,5 F5 cm lens. Reproduction of the Leica Prototype, 1. The company had always had progressive labor policies which encouraged the retention of skilled workers, many of whom were Jewish. Ernst Leitz II, who began managing the company in 1. Hitler in 1. 93. 3 by helping Jews to leave Germany, by assigning hundreds even if they were not actually employees to overseas sales offices where they were helped to find jobs. The effort intensified after Kristallnacht in 1. September 1. 93. 9. Dead Island Product Code Keygen. The extent of what came to be known as the Leica Freedom Train only became public after his death well after the war. After WWIIeditAfter the war, Leitz continued to produce the late versions of the Leica II and the Leica III through the 1. However, in 1. 95. Leitz introduced the Leica M3, with the new Leica M mount, a bayonet like lens mount. The new camera also combined the rangefinder and viewfinder into one large, bright viewfinder with a brighter double image in the center. This system also introduced a system of parallax compensation and a new rubberized, reliable, focal plane shutter. Leica continues to refine this model the latest versions being the MP and MA, both of which have frames for 2. Post war models bear the initials DBP, standing for Deutsches Bundespatent Federal German Patent, instead of the DRP Deutsches Reich patent found on pre war models. A number of camera companies built models based on the Leica rangefinder design. These include the Leotax, Nicca and early Canon models in Japan, the Kardon in USA, the Reid in England and the FED and Zorki in the USSR. Leica IIIf 1. 95. Leicas, with 5. 0mmf. Summarit. Leica M3 chrome Singlestroke 1. Leica Meter M, Booster and collapsible Elmar f5 cm 1 2,8 M3. Leicas MP of 2. 00. M3 of 1. 95. 4Modern Leica M series. Factory upgradeeditUntil at least the mid 1. Leitz offered factory upgrades of earlier Leica cameras to the current models specifications. The upgraded cameras retained their original serial number. Single lens reflex cameraseditFrom 1. Leica produced a series of single lens reflex cameras, beginning with the Leicaflex, followed by the Leicaflex SL, the Leicaflex SL2, and then the R series from R3 to R7, made in collaboration with the Minolta Corporation. Scanner Review Plustek Optic. Film 7. 60. 0i. Digital Camera Home. Photo Scanners. Plustek Optic. Film 7. DEFECT REMOVAL TOOBy MIKE PASINIEditor. The Imaging Resource Digital Photography Newsletter. Review Date February 2. The scanner species devoted to 3. The Minolta 5. 40. Nikons Coolscans can only be seen in captivity although the company does still offer the Coolscan 9. In part this is because flatbeds like the Epson V7. V7. 50 and Microtek F1M1 have risen to the occasion, producing film scans of excellent quality. And high end all in one devices like the Canon MP9. So what was Plustek thinking when they developed their Optic. Film 7. 00. 0 series of film scanners Probably that they could do it better. And to do it better, they partnered with Laser. Soft to bundle a version of its Silver. Fast scanning software that does just what film scanning needs to do. In particular, that means defect removal of dust and scratches. Laser. Soft also offers an Archive Suite for more advanced options, which we cover in a companion piece to this article. And Vue. Scan does recognize the 7. We used the various combinations over a period of several weeks to scan not only our best Kodachrome and Ektachrome slides but also some color negatives from the 1. That runs the gamut of quality and provided a robust real life test for the Optic. Film and Silver. Fast scanning combination. The hardware ships in two software configurations Business End. Power LED, two task buttons, Power button with holder slots on the side. The SE configuration includes Silver. Fast 6. 6 SE Plus Multi Exposure. The Ai configuration includes Silverfast 6. Ai Studio IT8 Multi Exposure with IT8 Kodachrome and Ektachrome targets. As we tested the unit, it wasnt in stock anywhere but the previous generation 7. SE configuration and 5. Ai configuration. In either configuration, the highlights of the Plustek scanner and Laser. Soft software combination include Scans 3. The Silver. Fast multiple sampling function reads the same spot up to four times, averaging the values to minimize image noise. The Silver. Fast multi exposure option for positive film improves shadow and highlight detail by exposing one pass for the shadow detail and a second pass for the highlight detail, effectively enhancing the density range of the hardware while minimizing noise. The scanners infrared scanning coupled with Silver. Fasts i. SRD or Vue. Scans defect removal feature can identify and eliminate dust and scratches from color film automatically or manually. Silver. Fasts automatic IT8 bar coded calibration feature with the targets included in the Ai version make calibration a very quick, one button operation. USB 2. 0 Hi Speed delivers the scanned data quickly to your computer. The film holders are fed manually into the scanner with detents to indicate the frame alignment. Hardware specifications for the Optic. Film 7. 60. 0i follow. Optical resolution 7. Bit Depth 4. 8 bit color 1. Sampling Multi sampling capable. Infrared Scanning Yes for dust and scratch removalButtons Power, Intelliscan launches Silver. Fast, Quick. Scan launches Page. ManagerMaximum Scan Area 2. Light Source white LEDSensor Color CCD image sensor. Interface USB 2. Hi Speed. Dimensions 4. Wx. Dx. HWeight 3. Power Requirements 1. Dynamic Range 3. Scanning Speed Previews in 7. Software Silver. Fast SE or Ai Studio Windows Plustek Quickscan, New. Soft Page. Manager and Presto Image. Folio. Warranty one year limited warranty. Windows requirements include a Pentium III CPU or higher and Windows 2. XPVista7. Macintosh requirements include a Power. PC G4 or G5 chip or Intel Mac, OS X 1. This is, apparently, the first version of the Optic. Film line that runs on a Mac. Both systems require a CD ROM drive for software installation, one available USB port even a free port on a hub is fine, 5. MB RAM, 5. 00 MB free hard disk space, 2. The retail box includes the Optic. Film 7. 60. 0i SE scanner. USB cable. Two film holders mounted slide holder four slides, filmstrip holder six negatives per stripPower adapter. Quick Guide. Silver. Fast SE CDBundled Windows application software Newsofts Presto Image. Folio image editing software and Page. Manager document management softwarePadded carrying bag for the scanner, adapter, film holders and cables. Additional film holders are available and not a bad idea if you are scanning a lot of film. The box itself is fairly compact and can easily be stored in its padded case when not in use. A film scanner isnt an everyday peripheral so the inclusion of the case turns out to be quite handy. Top View. Simple, clean design. The plastic case is attached to a metal bottom for a very sturdy build. On the front panel, the Power button sits below two special purpose shortcut buttons. The top button launches Silver. Fast and the bottom button launches Page Manager. A small green LED above the buttons indicates when the unit is on. On the sides of the scanner, there are two long rubber bumpers near the bottom that protect the case from bumps. Near the front on the sides are the two slots for the film holder to enter and exit the scanner. No motor drives the holders through, but detents in the holders help you feel position to align each frame in the scanner. Ports. USB and Power connections on the plain back end of the unit. The top panel has an Energy Star Saver badge and an i. SRD badge boasting Laser. Softs infrared Smart Removal of Defects technology. The back panel has a power connection for the small AC adapter and a USB data connection. The two film holders are black plastic. We found them well designed and easy to use. The slide holder takes mounted slides that are pushed into one side and then seated with a slight resistant pushing them back against the opposite side to lock them in. The negative holder, which takes strips up to six frames long, has guides to align the filmstrip and snaps closed. Theres no effort made to flatten the film with tension but at 3. It takes only a few minutes to set the scanner up near a computer and plug in the AC adapter and the USB cable. The software installation is also quick. Unlike many scanners, there was no need to install the hardware before the software. The installs were independent of each other. We installed the SE configuration and the Ai configuration on separate systems. We didnt bother with the Newsoft applications. The primary difference between the two installation is that the SE configuration installs and relies on generic ICC profiles for the Optic. Film scanners, including a generic 7. ICC profile. Color Negative. Actually not a 3. Defect removal didnt do anything for the old fender, but it cleaned up the flood damaged frame pretty well. Scanned with Silver. Fast Ai. While the Ai configuration also installs those profiles, it includes barcoded 3. IT8 targets for Ektachrome and Kodachrome. With these targets, you can use Silver. Fasts built in, one button calibration technology to create custom ICC profiles for the scanner. Silver. Fast also sent us its Archive Suite which, in addition to Silver. Fast Ai IT8 Studio, includes HDR Studio. Together these two applications provide a way to scan images for 1. TIFF format that can be converted later by the HDR software. We cover Silver. Fasts archiving solution separately from the scanner itself, comparing it to Vue. Scan, which uses a similar scheme. In this review, well focus on the scanner. As noted, Vue. Scan also recognizes and can calibrate the 7. It can also handle defect removal by scanning an infrared channel. Installation of the Silver. Fast applications requires entering a serial number. Youll find the number on a sticker fixed to the CD case itself. We did have a problem installing HDR Studio when our serial number wasnt recognized. Theres little to do about that but email support, which requires stepping through a number of irrelevant pages on the Laser. Soft site. We never did resolve the issue with support, however, relying on Demo mode for the review.

Silverfast 6 6 Nikon Serial Number