Ietester Portable Download

Ietester Portable Download

Query File Download Plugin for Ajax like, feature rich file downloadsjquery. Download. js Libraryj. Query File Download is a cross server platform compatible j. Query plugin that allows for an Ajax like file download experience that isnt normally possible using the web. Like everyone else, I need to test my code on Internet Explorer 6 and Internet Explorer 7. Now Internet Explorer 8 has some great tools for developer, which Id like. Portable XLR Recorder optional If you plan on using analog microphones for your podcast, youll need something that captures your analog audio and converts it to. Features. Brings control back to the developer by exposing a success. Callback and fail. Callback that allows the developer to control the user experience in either situation. In conjunction with j. Query UI a developer can easily show a modal telling the user that a file download is occurring, disband the modal after the download starts or even inform the user in a friendly manner that an error has occurred. See the Demo for an example of this. File downloads dont occur in the current windows location bar. This means if a failure or something unexpected happens the user doesnt leave the current page they are on or even have to see an ugly error message. This is critical for a good user experience especially on a highly Ajax application. A classic problem with browser file downloads Error handling. In a general case a file downloads occur after a user clicks an lt a hreflocation link. The href in the instructs the browser to browse to the locationindicated. This is equivalent to setting the window. Java. Script. When the response comes back the HTTP response headers can contain many different things in fact almost anything. MEGAsync. No matter how you slice it, keeping some extra battery power on your person can do wonders to affect how you move through the world. If youd like to take some. H-mLvkgVe4/UaOTRsxolJI/AAAAAAAABWM/lKOdtlFZKLo/s1600/icon_download.jpg' alt='Ietester Portable Download' title='Ietester Portable Download' />Here are some examples Normal, HTML Response. Content Type texthtml charsetutf 8. Content Type texthtml charsetutf 8. The above Content Type indicates to the browser that it should parse the DOM in the response and display it to the user. The location in the users location bar changes to reflect the address of the just downloaded content. Normal, File Download Response. Content Disposition attachment filenameReport. Content Disposition attachment filenameReport. TaunSZr6uxs/VD07HejVEaI/AAAAAAAA7Q4/wTnEvXnGQ10/s1600/IETester_2014-10-14.png' alt='Ietester Portable Download' title='Ietester Portable Download' />The above Content Disposition indicates to the browser that the server is trying to invoke a file download in the browser. The browser responds by opening up a file download dialog or ribbon for the user to download the file. As a convenience when the browser detects a response like this it doesnt change the address bar so effectively the user stays on the same page. Failed, File Download Response. Content Type texthtml charsetutf 8. Content Type texthtml charsetutf 8. As you may have guessed from that ugly highlighter color weve got trouble here. The response from a file download error is generally no different from a normal HTML response, the only difference here is that is has an error message as HTML content. The browser will now happily replace your existing page and address with the new error message. Not only have we now displayed an ugly error message to the user but we have also caused them to leave whatever page they were on. Imagine you have created a nearly exclusively Ajax site like Gmail. A response like this from the server will cause your entire DOM to be replaced by an error message. Imagine this happening to you in Gmail and having to load up everything all over again. Ouch My current role creating the framework for a highly Ajax application like Gmail inspired me to write this plugin for all to use web applications is where the web is going anyways so there has to be a better wayAnother classic problem with browser file downloads Happy path user experience. Software Update Internet Explorer 11 IE11 Now Available for Download for Windows 7 Users A few months back we told you about Internet Explorer 11 IE11 version. Free easy to install Web servers, free php scripts, mysql tools, Ajax IDEs, css, html and javascript scripts and tutorials. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. I probably just caught you thinking this well so what my site never has any problems that cause error messages fair enough, but consider this What is the response time of your web site in terms of serving up static files Is it instantaneousJquery. Download. js Library jQuery File Download is a cross server platform compatible jQuery plugin that allows for an Ajaxlike file download experience. Is a user going to immediately look in the far corners of their screen for some sort of a spinning indicator or might they get confused or angry based on their technical prowess Maybe they are looking at one of these Animationnetscapeanim. I hope not or youve got bigger issuesWhat if you are serving up a dynamically generated file perhaps a report of SQL data based on user input that may take a few seconds. Ipod 4 Keygen Free. An average user might expect some sort of indication of what is going on. At the very least from a developers perspective itd be nice if it wasnt easy for them to hammer the download link a few times to make it faster of course wasting cycles across an entire n tiered application. Ive got a solution just use Ajax to download itGood idea Unfortunately this is not possible due to one key problem Java. Script, by design, doesnt have the ability to perform lower level tasks on a users computer out of security concerns. Initiating file download prompts is one of these limitations. You can certainly use an XMLHttp. Request object to download a binary or otherwise file but there is nothing you can do to the response to somehow get it saved on the users computer. Flash doesnt have this limitation, but we really dont want to get into Flash do we Enter j. Query File Downloadj. Query File Download overcomes all of the aforementioned limitations of a normal browser file downloads. Well how the heck does that work The concept is nothing new in fact If you browse around the web you will find plenty of forum posts discussing the same technique, I just wasnt able to find a succinct easy to use plug in to do it hence my decision to create this plugin. The answer is An iframe and cookie. What I have to rely on Web. Web 2. 0 Ajax application user friendly Turns out this is the magic bullet combination to work around normal limitations of file downloads, heres how iframe. An iframe which is generally a mortal sin of modern web development can exist in a DOM but in most respects is treated like an entirely different window. By dynamically inserting a hidden iframe into the DOM and setting its location to the desired file path we can initiate a file download just like it was occurring in the main application window. This directly gets us around one of the nasties of file downloads if an error occurs the user has now been forced off of the page they were on which may contain an Ajax application like Gmail to see an ugly error message. Like a normal file download in the main window an iframe will never fill with content when a successful file download occurs. It simply contains an empty DOM. Well how do we detect what is going on if nothing happens when the file download is successful. Well this is where the cookie comes in cookie iframe. Since the creation of cookies exists in HTTP headers, which is standard fare for all web requests and responses, we can actually write a cookie to indicate that a file download has been initiated properly instead of an error page. The response from the web server will now look something like this. Content Disposition attachment filenameReport. Set Cookie file. Downloadtrue path. Content Disposition attachment filenameReport. Set Cookie file. Downloadtrue pathWhile we cant directly tell if a file download has occurred we can check for the existence of a cookie which is exactly how j. Query File Download works. Once a download is initiated on the iframe a configurable duration poll of cookies and the iframe contents occurs. If the iframe fills with contents then we know a file download has occurred in most cases, make sure to set a MIME type. If the cookie gets written then we know to stop polling and kill the iframe because the file download dialogribbon has been displayed. Using j. Query File Download Java. Scriptj. Query File Download is easy to use in the simple case but also allows for various callback options as well. Dont forget to add the required cookie code in the next section Very simple code demo. Downloadurltodownload. Downloadurltodownload. Use of the very simple approach only protects you from the page changing in the event of a file download error. This alone is pretty useful. How to Start Your Own Podcast. The podcast craze of the past several years shows no signs of slowing down, and while every armchair broadcaster with a voice recorder app is eager to get in the game, creating a professional sounding podcast isnt as simple as it might seem. Heres how to create, record, and publish your own basic podcastand get people to listen. This story originally ran in June 2. August 2. 01. 7 with additional reporting from Patrick Austin. You Start, Be Ready to Commit. Before you rush into things, its important to keep in mind that podcasts take a lot of effort to get going. Theyre not just recordings of people talking not the good ones, anyway. Pat Flynn, host of the Smart Passive Income podcast, recommends you treat podcasting the same way you would any other big project Podcasting is extremely fun and exciting, but there is one thing you must do before you start podcasting Commit. You must internally commit to podcasting, as you must do with anything that is potentially beneficial but takes some time and effort to do. Its easy to assume that podcasts are easy to produce because theyre audio only, but dont be fooled. They can take up a lot of time to put together, especially at first. Also, podcasts do best when theyre released consistently. If youre interested in developing any kind of listener base, you have to be ready to release episodes on a regular basis. All in all, podcasting can be fun work, but its still work and should be treated as such. You also shouldnt expect to get rich from podcasting either. Its certainly possible to generate income from podcasting, but that usually requires advertisements and sponsorshipsboth of which youll get after youve built up a listenership big enough to make it worthwhile to advertisers. If youre not interested in starting a podcast for the fun of it or to have your voice heard, you might not get much out of it unless you already have an audience. What Youll Need. You cant start a podcast without equipment, and good equipment will go a long way. Heres what youll need Microphones Any microphone will work for recording your podcast, but listeners can usually tell the difference between low and high quality microphones. If youre not sure what to look for, our list of the five best desktop microphones is a great place to start I use four analog Audio Technica AT2. As you shop around, youll also need to decide whether you want to use a USB or analog XLR microphone. USB mics convert analog sound into digital so you can plug a USB mic directly into any computer and start recording without much hassle, but you could potentially get lower audio quality compared to analog. Considering you dont need any extra tools or devices to record with a USB mic, they can be a little cheaper in the long run. Analog microphones use XLR connectors, which means you need another device to get your audio onto your computer, but you can get higher audio quality and can use them with other sound equipment if you had a PA system or wanted to play live music, for example. Of course, if you have a gaming headset or other basic microphone around, you can easily use that too. Portable XLR Recorder optional If you plan on using analog microphones for your podcast, youll need something that captures your analog audio and converts it to digital. Portable XLR recorders can capture multiple microphone channels and allow you to do basic sound level adjusting and muting on the fly. Audio files automatically get organized and stored on a memory card that you can insert into a card reader or slot in your computer. These are amazing tools, but they can be expensive. You can find them for anywhere between 1. I use a 4. 00 Zoom H6 Handy Recorder with four available analog channels. Audio Interface optional If you want to record directly to your computer with your analog microphones, youll need an audio interface. These devices allow you to plug in one or more analog microphones and will convert the analog audio to digital. Most audio interfaces will connect to your computer via USB or Firewire. Audio interfaces can cost as little as 3. You can see why a USB microphone is a cheaper option. A Computer Any Windows computer or Mac should work fine to record, edit, and upload your podcast. Thankfully, editing audio doesnt take a ton of computing power. Additionally, depending on how you choose to recorddirectly to the computer or onto a dedicated recording deviceyour computer will also need the right ports. USB microphones, for example, will obviously need an open USB port. If youre using analog microphones with a portable XLR recorder or audio interface device, youll need either a 3. USB port, or in some cases, a Firewire port. So before you spend any money on equipment, make sure you have a computer that can support it. Audio Editing Software For the actual recording and editing, youll need a Digital Audio Workstation or DAW, there are a lot of good options out there, but the licenses for some of them can cost a pretty penny, though. Licenses for professional level DAWs like Reason or Pro Tools can cost anywhere between 3. Apps like Hindenburg offer simpler audio editing software for under 1. Reaper is a fully loaded audio production app for 6. Adobes audio editing software Audition CC is available with a 1. Because of that, most people will recommend free open source programs like Audacity when youre just getting started, and thats what well use an example throughout this how to guide. Pop Filters optional The clearer your audio can sound, the better. Pop filters, while not required, are fairly cheap and can keep your plosives from making a nasty sound on your recording. If you dont want to buy any, though, you can make some of your own. You might be thinking that all this equipment is pretty expensive, and youre not wrong. However keep in mind that decent audio equipment will last forever if you take care of it. It may be expensive to get started, but after the initial purchase, youre set. Step One Narrow Your Topic and Find Your Niche. Just like blogs, there are a ton of podcasts out there. That means that you can probably find a podcast about everything under the sun already. Dont get discouraged While just about every broad topic is already covered, you just have to find your spin on things to make an old idea something new. Dear Lifehacker, As a side projectexperiment, Ive started my own blog. The problem is, now that I Read more Read. For example, if you wanted to make a podcast about music, ask yourself if theres an audience out there for what you want to talk about. Maybe you narrow your idea down from music in general to bluegrass specifically. Now your coverage is specific the music, people, and culture of bluegrass. Once you have your topic narrowed down, it helps to add a spin to it. Maybe you talk about bluegrass music and culture while sipping moonshine with your co hosts. Its kind of true that everything has been done before, but it hasnt all been done the way you would do it. So find an angle thats personally interesting and youll be better off. Step Two Download, Install, and Set Up Audacity. As mentioned earlier, Audacity is a great DAW for podcasting beginners. Its open source, free to use as long as you like, and is available for Windows, OS X, and Linux. Before you can jump into recording, however, there are a few tricks to getting it all set up properly Download Audacity 2. Connect your microphone and open Audacity. See if your microphone is being recognized by Audacity by checking the drop down menu next to the small microphone icon. If you see your mic, go ahead and select it. In the top left corner, you should see the pause, play, stop, skip back, skip forward, and record buttons. Click the record button and talk into your mic to make sure its working properly. Stop recording and playback what you just recorded to make sure everything sounds okay.

Ietester Portable Download