Copy Of Iso 2859 2

Copy Of Iso 2859 2

Copy Of Iso 2859 2' title='Copy Of Iso 2859 2' />Microsoft Visual Fox. Pro FAQ Index. Join your peers on the Internets largest technical computer professional community. Its easy to join and its free. Heres Why Members Love Tek Tips Forums Register now while its still free Already a member Close this window and log in. Join Us             Close. Copy Of Iso 2859 2' title='Copy Of Iso 2859 2' />Chapter 1. Poultry Inspection Programs Food. Salvaging. Operators may elect to handle carcasses accidentally contaminated with gastrointestinal contents by salvaging the non contaminated portions at either a salvage andor reprocessing station. Salvage procedures may be conducted provided the following requirements are met adequate facilities are provided see Chapter 3 of this manual and refer also to subsection 1. Off line Reprocessing and Reconditioning. Definitions. The definition for Off line Reprocessing and Off line Reconditioning can be found in the Glossary of Terms in section 1. There is 4726 records. PurchRFQLineMap Request for quotation lines 4 BankGroup Bank groups 5 RFIDProcessStructureTmp RFID process structure 6. Listado de ejemplos. Lista todos los ejemplos del manual. Example0 Un ejemplo introductorio Example1 Nuestro primer script de PHP hola. Example2. General Requirements. Operators may choose to handle carcasses accidentally contaminated with gastro intestinal contents and carcasses with localized pathologies within the abdominal cavity at an off line reprocessing andor reconditioning station. The following requirements must be met The operator must have a written protocol for off line reprocessing andor reconditioning which has been approved by the Veterinarian in Charge and the operator must have received conditional acceptance to initiate a trial period to qualify for a trial off line reprocessing andor reconditioning. The written program shall specify which types of contamination or localized lesion will be controlled by the off line reprocessing procedure. Major change to the protocol requires a re validation. The operator must provide adequate facilities see Chapter 3 of this manual and refer also to subsection 1. Off line reconditioning andor reprocessing of poultry carcasses must be done within 1. Cross contamination by carcasses in contact with each other is to be avoided. The written procedure shall specify whether or not the crops will be removed prior to reprocessing. Carcass rinsing procedures shall ensure that rinse water does not pool and rapidly exits the cavity. If carcasses are to be placed directly into the chill system after off line reprocessing andor reconditioning, dressing must be completed prior to the carcasses entering the chiller. If the number of carcasses requiring salvage exceeds the capacity of facilities andor personnel to handle the carcasses in a timely manner, affected carcasses shall be discarded by the operator as plant rejects. Acceptance Process. In order to facilitate the CFIA acceptance of the plant specific off line reprocessing andor reconditioning procedures, the following acceptance process shall be followed A request is submitted to the Veterinarian in Charge. The Veterinarian in Charge and a poultry program specialist will conduct the pre operational checklist on site and analyse the plants written procedure which shall be accompanied by a process and employee flow diagram. Upon successful completion of the checklist, on site analysis of facilities and written procedures, the 2. After the 2. 0 shift trial period, the results of the post operational checklist, E. If the results are acceptable, the area poultry program specialist shall grant CFIA acceptance. Process Validation. The effectiveness of reprocessing andor reconditioning operations shall be validated according to an operators written protocol. For operators that have two shifts, only one process validation is necessary for both slaughter shifts provided there are no significant operational differences between shifts. For operators that slaughter multiple classes of poultry, e. Different weight ranges of the same class shall be considered as one class and require only one process validation, e. E.  coli Testing. Procedures shall be validated by using sample collection and laboratory test procedures for generic E. USDAs Pathogen Reduction Program and HACCP systems. See Chapter 1. 1, Exports, section on the US, in this manual. Sampling Plan. Collect 5. Both carcasses must be approximately selected at the same time. According to a written procedure accepted by the Veterinarian in Charge, samples shall be randomly selected identified in order to differentiate between treated and untreated carcasses andselected after final washing and prior to the chilling system. The geometric mean of treated carcasses must be equal to or less than that of line run production or not significantly different as determined by statistical analysis. Note The CFIA Program Network Poultry Inspection Team PNPIT has developed an Excel based application Micro Data Analysis including a users manual for this purpose. The operator may wish to obtain a copy from the CFIA area poultry program specialist. Organoleptic Testing. Sampling Plans. Reprocessed andor reconditioned carcasses shall be retained and sampled a minimum of every 3. Note The operator must ensure that untreated carcasses e. Sampling Plan for Off line Reprocessing andor Reconditioning. Volume of reprocessingandor reconditioning. Sample Code Letter. Sample Size. Low2. C5. Medium2. 6 to 5. D8. High5. 0 carcasses and more per sample periodE1. Based on Sampling Plan 2. Inspection Level II, Statistical Aspects of Food Quality Assurance by Subhash C. Puri, Agriculture Canada, Original source International Organization for Standardization ISO, Central Secretariat, Geneva. Defect Definitions. Refer to the Carcass Dressing Standards CDS, as contained in section 1. Chapter, for definitions for the following defects. Reprocessing defects contamination faecal contamination bile contamination andingesta or extraneous material. Reconditioning defects localized pathology airsacculitis salpingitis, peritonitis and any other pathology within the carcass cavity. Unsatisfactory Sampling Results. A sample shall be deemed unsatisfactory if one 1 or more carcasses in the sample has a defect within the cavity as listed in the preceding subsection. The operator shall then implement the following retain the lot according to the sample and re examine all carcasses in the retained lot defective carcasses are sent for salvage and acceptable carcasses are allowed to re enter production notify the Veterinarian in Charge determine the probable cause and implement applicable corrective actions andamend the written reprocessing andor reconditioning procedure as necessary. Note The 2. 0 shift process validation is reset to zero after three 3 unsatisfactory samples have been accumulated. Off line Procedures After CFIA Approval. Microbiological Sampling. Reprocessed andor reconditioned carcasses may either continue to be tested for E. USDA Pathogen Reduction see Chapter 1. US section of this manual. If reprocessed andor reconditioned carcasses are tested for E. Organoleptic Sampling. Mp3gain Full Installer. The operator shall monitor the off line procedure using the previously described ISO based sampling plan, or the CDS program. Procedure Monitoring by the Operator. The Operator shall ensure that samples are representative random sampling. The written program shall also include carcass disposition, retest parameters and review of applicable written and practical procedures in the event of sample failure. If reprocessed andor reconditioned carcasses are placed directly into the chill system, they shall receive separate monitoring at a minimum of twice per shift. Carcasses shall be examined at facilities meeting the same requirements as for the CDS test see Chapter 3 of this manual. If corrective action or process action is required as a result of these separate tests, it would only apply to the reprocessed andor reconditioned product. If the reprocessed andor reconditioned carcasses are placed back onto the evisceration line and mixed with line run production, then the test results and any required corrective action would apply to the evisceration line and off line procedures.

Copy Of Iso 2859 2