Api 560 Standard Pdf

Api 560 Standard Pdf

On this site you will learn about pumps and pump systems. You can do calculations and troubleshoot existing pump systems, everything is FREE. How about videos of. Subscribe and SAVE, give a gift subscription or get help with an existing subscription by clicking the links below each cover image. SVF Flow Controls 5595 Fresca Drive La Palma, CA 90623 Tel 800. FAX 562. 802. 3114 SalesSVF. Specifications subect to change wo notice. REST API Service. Now Wiki. This article applies to Fuji. For more current information, see REST API at https developer. The Service. Now Wiki is no longer being updated. Please refer to https developer. Overview. REST REpresentational State Transfer is a simple stateless architecture that generally runs over HTTPSTLS. The REST style emphasizes that interactions between clients and services are enhanced by having a limited number of operations. Flexibility is provided by assigning resources their own unique universal resource indicators URIs. Because each operation GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE has a specific meaning, REST avoids ambiguity. The REST API is active by default in all instances, starting with the Eureka release. A_1_m.jpg' alt='Api 560 Standard Pdf' title='Api 560 Standard Pdf' />Api 560 Standard PdfRESTful web services offer several advantages, including. Support for different HTTP methods to perform different actions. Detailed response codes and header information. Pagination support for large data sets. Cel Mai Bun Program De Ascuns Iphone. Streaming data on GET requests. For more information, see Getting Started with REST. Service. Now REST API Resources. To view the the REST API resources available in your instance, along with the correct formats for the supported methods, use the REST API Explorer. To access the explorer, navigate to System Web Services REST API Explorer. Prior to the Fuji release, navigate to System Web Services APIs to view available REST APIs. Available APIs. The following REST APIs are available. Supported Methods. The following methods conform to the REST standard and are available in Service. Now. Each API may support certain methods. Refer to the documentation for each API to view detailed method information. Roles Role name. Can use the REST API to perform REST web service operations such as querying or inserting records. Can access the System Web Services application menu and the REST modules. API Version. REST API URIs may specify a version number, such as apinowv. Name. URIs with a version number provide a consistent interface that is guaranteed to maintain backwards compatibility in future Service. Now releases. For example, if the default response format for a particular HTTP method changes in a release, versioned URIs continue to use the previous format. By specifying a version number in your URIs, you can ensure that future updates to the REST API do not negatively impact your integration. URIs that do not specify a version number use the most recent REST API behavior available with your instance version, which may change when you upgrade. Each of the supported methods can be overridden if you set the X http method override header. The Accept and Content Type request headers are required for proper data formatting. These request headers have the following valid values. Accept applicationjson, applicationxml. Content Type applicationjson, applicationxml. POST, PUT, and PATCH operations require you to provide both headers. The GET and DELETE operations require only the Accept header. Failing to provide the required headers results in a 4. Bad Request error. Security. By default, you must include user credentials in a REST request. The REST API supports basic authentication and OAuth for enforcing access controls to web resources. The user record that is used for authentication is subject to access control in the same way as an interactive user. Each request requires the proper authentication information. There is no support for mutual authentication for inbound REST requests. REST supports cookies for binding to the existing session. Table Access. All tables, including base system tables, global tables, and scoped tables are accessible via web services by default. You must fulfill any other web service security requirements, such as basic authentication and ACLs to access tables via web services. You can control direct web service access to tables using the Allow access to this table via web services check box on the table Application Access settings. This check box must be selected to allow web service interaction with the table. OAuth with RESTUsing OAuth, you can pass a user ID and password once, and then use a token for subsequent REST requests instead of submitting credentials with each request. In this way, OAuth can improve system security by reducing the number of times you submit user credentials. You can use OAuth to authenticate REST requests starting with the Fuji release. You must enable the OAuth plugin to use this functionality. Enable OAuth in the Service. Now instance that the external client will connect to. You may need to activate the OAuth plugin and set the OAuth property if OAuth is not yet enabled on the instance. Register a client application and create an endpoint. Record the clientid and clientsecret values from the previous step to use when requesting an access token. To get an access token, use your REST client, such as c. URL or Postman, to send a request to the OAuth endpoint oauthtoken. Format the request as a URL encoded HTTP POST body and include the required parameters. Record the access token and refresh token from the response. Submit the access token with subsequent REST requests. Click the plus to see examples of obtaining and using an OAuth access token. In this example, the OAuth token has a clientid of a. Getting an access tokencurl d granttypepassword clientida. RESTUser passwordRESTUser. Password https lt instance. Sample token response. Bearer,expiresin 1. ZPdk. EVr. Wvt. Mjrspld. Nj. IS0u. WM4. D7. QV9mgmc. QXDVo. 5QaGVvmd. R6. NOp. 7OM0. 38. EHJnd. 6n. Zp. Woc. Fer. 1Nc. Jz. 4zwdw,accesstoken 2w. Rls. RCT2. SYj. CCJP9. EFzj. 5qg. 4O3. I3a. C0. 9e. 0 0hz. 6Ib. YK7. If LMi. Nor. Nuglfqbk. L4. Afk. YC9. 2KYHUCcbp. Q. REST request with OAuth tokencurl H Accept applicationjson H Authorization Bearer 2w. Rls. RCT2. SYj. CCJP9. EFzj. 5qg. 4O3. I3a. C0. 9e. 0 0hz. 6Ib. YK7. If LMi. Nor. Nuglfqbk. L4. Afk. YC9. 2KYHUCcbp. Q https lt instance. REST Response HTTP Status Codes. Status Code. Success with response body. Success with response body. Success with no response body. The request URI does not match the APIs in the system, or the operation failed for unknown reasons. Invalid headers can also cause this error. The user is not authorized to use the API. The requested operation is not permitted for the user. This error can also be caused by ACL failures, or business rule or data policy constraints. The requested resource was not found. This can be caused by an ACL constraint or if the resource does not exist. Method not allowed. The HTTP action is not allowed for the requested REST API, or it is not supported by any API. Dot Walking in REST Requests. You can use dot walking when specifying the sysparmquery or sysparmfields parameters in requests to REST APIs that support those parameters. You can filter queries using related record values by dot walking in the sysparmquery parameter. For example, you can retrieve all incident records where the incident Company has a specific Stock symbol value. NYX. You can view field values from multiple tables by dot walking in the sysparmfields parameter. For example, you can retrieve the Name, Sysid, and Department of each user that has certain roles, as well as the role Name. The request runs on the User Roles sysuserhasrole table which defines a many to many relationship between users and roles. The response includes field values from the User sysuser and Roles sysuserrole tables. Crole. name2. Cuser2. Cuser. name2. Cuser. Cuser. department sysparmqueryrole3. D3d. 43. 71. 6d. 0f. EORrole3. Dac. 73b. Click the plus to view a sample response including dot walked fields. Fred Johnson,user. Accounting,link https lt instance. Fred Johnson,link https lt instance. Fred Johnson,user. Accounting,link https lt instance. Fred Johnson,link https lt instance. Debugging REST Queries. When the glide. rest.

Api 560 Standard Pdf