The term American folk music encompasses numerous music genres, variously known as traditional music, traditional folk music, contemporary folk music, or roots music. This article examines changes in the formal organization of two universities and two schools within these universities, the University of Oslo and Stanford University. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing AACN is the national voice for baccalaureate and graduate nursing education. AACN works to establish quality. Data, statistics, analyses, and articles on California city and county finance. This study investigates the relationship between individuallevel support for the 2010 Affordable Care Act and nativism, the perception that a traditional American. AACN News Watch Weekly Edition. News, Newsletter October 4, 2. This weeks issue features AACNs President and CEO Q A in Huffington Posts Why You Should Be Concerned About the Future of Nursing, ELNECs 2. AACN Opposes Graham Cassidy Proposal. Press Release, Policy September 2. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Today, AACN opposes the Graham Cassidy legislative proposal, as it would place the health and coverage of millions of Americans at risk. The formalization of the university rules, roots, and routes. This article examines changes in the formal organization of two universities and two schools within these universities, the University of Oslo and Stanford University. We focus on role differentiation, rule formation, and resource seeking structures and describe organizational developments along these dimensions. We find that both these universities travel similar routes involving greater role differentiation, rule formation, and resource seeking activities. Both universities more explicitly function as organizational actors influenced by a global environment that favors the more socially embedded and the more managed university. However, we also find persistent differences in how these universities respond to the global environment, differences that reflect the different historical roots of different universities. A tradition of professorial self governance at the University of Oslo, for example, fosters greater resistance to the managed university ideal. The latter emerges earlier and develops to a greater degree at Stanford University. We conclude that university routes are influenced both by common now globalized rules of the game and by their different organizational roots. We use ideas from the neo institutional and path dependency perspectives to make sense of both growing commonalities and persistent differences. Keywords. Formalization Rules Path dependency Neo institutional theory Stanford University University of Oslo.